53 research outputs found

    New Frontiers of Social Investment: Learning from the InterCement Experience

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    This is a case study done by the Dom Cabral Foundation evaluating the presence of Camargo Corrêa Institute programs and InterCement company Camargo Corrêa Group, in the municipality of Pedro Leopoldo (MG)

    Nuevas fronteras de la inversión social: Aprendizajes de una experiencia

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    Este es un estudio de caso realizado por la Fundación Dom Cabral evaluar la presencia de programas de Camargo Corrêa Instituto y compañía InterCement Grupo Camargo Corrêa, en el municipio de Pedro Leopoldo (MG)

    Novas fronteiras do investimento social: aprendizagens de uma experiência - o investimento social da Camargo Corrêa em Pedro Leopoldo

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    Trata-se de um estudo de caso feito pela Fundação Dom Cabral avaliando a presença dos programas do Instituto Camargo Corrêa e da InterCement, empresa do Grupo Camargo Corrêa, no município de Pedro Leopoldo (MG)

    Os regimes exploratórios de petróleo e gás natural no Brasil à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro: um diálogo entre estado e iniciativa privada

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    A interligação direta entre Estado e iniciativa privada caracteriza a indústria do petróleo. A atividade econômica lida diretamente com o investimento de grandes multinacionais na exploração de um bem de uso comum do povo, pertencente à União, traduzindo-se em concessão de uso do bem comum. Assim, é importante analisar os aspectos históricos do ordenamento jurídico que originou o gigante mercado de petróleo, no qual evoluiu de um regime monopolista para uma desregulação. Esses aspectos serão estudados abordando a coexistência dos regimes de concessão e de partilha de produção, além de expor outras particularidades próprias da legislação brasileira e da prática da atividade petrolífera. Serão abordados os aspectos dos primórdios da descoberta do petróleo, tanto em cenário nacional quanto internacional. A avaliação de casos concretos de leilões de campos de petróleo também será exposta, por meio da apresentação de críticas e demonstração de resultados, assim como a visualização das perspectivas futuras previstas para o país

    Extracting spatial-temporal features that describe a team match demands when considering the effects of the quality of opposition in elite football

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    Spatiotemporal patterns of play can be extracted from competitive environments to design representative training tasks and underlying processes that sustain performance outcomes. To support this statement, the aims of this study were: (i) describe the collective behavioural patterns that relies upon the use of player positioning in interaction with teammates, opponents and ball positioning; (ii) and define the underlying structure among the variables through application of a factorial analysis. The sample comprised a total of 1,413 ball possession sequences, obtained from twelve elite football matches from one team (the team ended the season in the top-5 position). The dynamic position of the players (from both competing teams), as well as the ball, were captured and transformed to two-dimensional coordinates. Data included the ball possession sequences from six matches played against top opponents (TOP, the three teams classified in the first 3 places at the end of the season) and six matches against bottom opponents (BOTTOM, the three teams classified in the last 3 at the end of the season). The variables calculated for each ball possession were the following: ball position; team space in possession; game space (comprising the outfield players of both teams); position and space at the end of ball possession. Statistical comparisons were carried with magnitude-based decisions and null-hypothesis analysis and factor analysis to define the underlying structure among variables according to the considered contexts. Results showed that playing against TOP opponents, there was ~38 meters game length per ~43 meters game width with 12% of coefficient of variation (%). Ball possessions lasted for ~28 seconds and tended to end at ~83m of pitch length. Against BOTTOM opponents, a decrease in the game length with an increase in game width and in the deepest location was observed in comparison with playing against TOP opponents. The duration of ball possession increased considerable (~37 seconds), and the ball speed entropy was higher, suggesting lower levels of regularity in comparison with TOP opponents. The BOTTOM teams revealed a small EPS. The Principal Component Analysis showed a strong association of the ball speed, entropy of the ball speed and the coefficient of variation (%) of the ball speed. The EPS of the team in possession was well correlated with the game space, especially the game width facing TOP opponents. Against BOTTOM opponents, there was a strong association of ball possession duration, game width, distance covered by the ball, and length/width ratio of the ball movement. The overall approach carried out in this study may serve as the starting point to elaborate normative models of positioning behaviours measures to support the coaches' operating decisions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Epidemiologia da poxvirose bovina no Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the epidemiological data of bovine poxviruses in the State of Espírito Santo during the years 2002 to 2005. The sample consisted of 28 properties that produce cow's milk in 08 cities from the South of the State, in wich were present cases of bonive pustulo-vesicular disease between 2002 august to 2005 may. The bovine disease was found in 10,2% to 100% of the properties with a mean of 52,7%. Throughout virus isolation techniques and PCR of the Timidin Kinase gene, an Orthopoxivirus was identified as the etiological agent of the bovine viruses. All the properties reported economic losts related to a decrease in milk production. The bovine poxviruses assumed an epidemic feature in the South of the State of Espírito Santo promoting a big economic impact and representing an important public health worry as an occupational zoonosis mainly for the milkers. Thus, based on the obtained data, policy and sanitary statements, and educational strategies, were applied in the properties in order to stop the disease dissemination over the neighbor cities.O trabalho consistiu no estudo epidemiológico do surto de poxvirose bovina no Estado do Espírito Santo no período de 2002 a 2005. A coleta dos dados deu-se em 28 propriedades de gado bovino leiteiro de 08 municípios do Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo com casos de doenças pústulo-vesicular em bovinos, no período de agosto de 2002 a maio de 2005. Observou-se que a prevalência da doença no gado bovino leiteiro variou de 10,2% a 100% das propriedades com média de 52,7%. Através de isolamento viral e PCR do gene Timidina Quinase (TK), identificou-se o vírus do gênero Orthopoxvirus como o agente etiológico da poxvirose bovina. Em todas as propriedades constatou-se uma perda econômica, principalmente relacionada à queda na produção leiteira. A poxvirose bovina assumiu um caráter epidêmico no Sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com grande impacto econômico e importância em saúde pública, como uma zoonose ocupacional entre os ordenhadores. Baseadas nos dados obtidos, medidas de cunho fiscal-sanitário e de orientação ao produtor agropecuário foram implementadas, visando conter a disseminação da doença entres as propriedades, e os outros municípios do Estado

    Tourism demand for destinations with severe access limitations: Brazilian cases

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    Uma das principais estratégias do Ministério do Turismo no Brasil para a ampliação do fluxo turístico nos destinos nacionais foi a delimitação de 65 destinos indutores do turismo no país. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a demanda turística de lazer nos destinos indutores que possuem severas limitações de acesso. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo em 3 destinos selecionados: Diamantina (MG), Parnaíba (PI) e Lençóis (BA). Os resultados obtidos apontam para o predomínio de turistas de meia idade, em sua maioria do sexo masculino e com distribuição homogênea das faixas de renda. O estado de São Paulo foi o principal emissor de turistas para os três destinos. As conclusões destacam o questionamento ao papel indutor do turismo destes destinos e a opinião positiva dos entrevistados em relação à dificuldade de acesso, apesar das grandes distâncias percorridas (média de 1.333Km) e do uso significativo do modal terrestre para a viagem.One of the main strategies of the Brazilian Tourism Ministry to increase tourist flows at national destinations was the nomination of 65 key destinations for tourism in the country. This research aimed to analyze the leisure tourism demand for key destinations with severe access limitations. A survey was conducted with tourists of 3 selected key destinations: Diamantina (MG), Parnaíba (PI) and Lençóis (BA). The main findings indicate the predominance of tourists of middle age, males and varied income levels. São Paulo is the single most important market for all 3 destinations. Among the main conclusions are the questioning of the key role of these destinations for tourism, and the positive opinion of tourists about access conditions, despite the large distances travelled (average of 1,333 Km) and the fact that a significant share of them used mainly inland modes of transport